Redbook Magazine on Kathryn Kuhlman

by Daniel Jones

An excerpt from:

Daughter of Destiny
by Jamie Buckingham

The definitive biography of Kathryn Kuhlman

…in the meantime the controversy grew more intense.

Redbook magazine assigned Pittsburgh reporter Emily Gardner Neal (who later helped write I believe in Miracles for Miss Kuhlman) to look into the situation. The resulting story set Kathryn on the road to national prominence. In an unprecedented editor’s forward to their seven-page story, Redbook said:

The amazing story of Kathryn Kuhlman was one which Redbook editors approached with misgivings. No amount of doubt regarding “faith healing” of any sort, however, could obscure the fact that startling things were happening at Miss Kuhlman’s evangelistic services in Pittsburgh. For four months, writers and researchers investigated the healings and cures. If Redbook’s investigators erred, it was on the side of skepticism. But as they questioned and studied, the editors’ original incredulity gave way to a conviction that the facts demanded publication...
Physicians’ statements, of course, have been difficult to obtain; although a doctor many not personally object to describing a patient’s progress under such circumstances, he usually refuses out of deference to the medical profession’s wariness of faith healing ...
This magazine has in its custody the following confidential documents: twenty testimonials from persons claiming to have been healed; four statements from clergymen supporting Miss Kuhlman’s ministry; two letters from public officials; four workmen’s compensation reports; two statements from men in fields allied to medical work and six medical and X-ray reports ...
C. M. Clark, Pittsburgh hearing-aid expert, stated in a letter: “We actually saw God’s miracle healing” of a deaf-mute who repeated words “using lip forms, throat tones and nasal sounds which she had never experienced.”
This magazine therefore invites readers’ attention to this report, the integrity of which has been checked in every possible way, confident that persons who have faith, or the hope of it, will find here a message of deep inter significance.